Garcinia Indica is known by its many names. Some of the common ones being Kokum, Kokum butter tree, Goa butter tree and Mangosteen tree. It is a tropical evergreen tree belonging to the Garcinia family and is native to Asia and Africa. But the most surprising element is that there are over 200 varieties of these species.
The fruit is brownish or brownish-grey, marbled with yellow. There are from 6 to 8 seeds, and the pulp is juicy, white, and delicious in taste and odour. It is about the size of an orange. Normally the ripe fruits are harvested during April-May. The outer covering or rind of the fruit is typically dried in the sun and then removed. This can be ground into a sour, flavorful spice, while the fruit itself can be consumed directly for a wide range of health benefits.
Nutritional Values present in Kokum
Garcinia (Kokum), a tropical summer fruit, is a powerhouse of nutrients. As a fresh fruit, it is low in calories with rich dietary fibre. It is a very good source of vitamins like B1(Thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B9(folate) and Vitamin C. It is also rich in minerals like potassium, manganese and magnesium. The antioxidants present in it have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-ageing and anti-diabetic effects. Potassium helps control the heart rate and blood pressure and thus protects against heart disease and stroke. The fibre content found in it is also beneficial for maintaining bodily functions like production of DNA, muscle contraction, healing wound, immunity etc.Kokum and its Indian connect
In India, it is popularly known as Kokum. Garcinia Indica has been used for centuries in Asian countries for culinary purposes as a condiment and flavouring agent. Kokam has been used for many years to treat acidity, diarrhoea, skin infections and wounds throughout South Asia. It’s used for juices, pickles and to add sourness to curries. Traditionally Kokum has always been the go-to fruit to give relief against bloating, acidity or any digestive issue. Our ancestors consumed it after a meal, in the form of a sherbet (spicy or sweet concoction/mocktail) for its digestive properties.The fruit can be used in so many different ways in cooking, as juice, in medicine and in cosmetics, to name just a few of the known areas of benefit.
The fruits are sometimes used as a substitute for grapes in winemaking.
The fruit juice is much appreciated as a health drink while the dried fruit rind is used as a spice and condiment.
The dried fruit rind adds a sweet-tangy taste to food and is widely used as a flavouring agent in food preparations as a healthy substitute for tamarind or lemon.
We all must be familiar with the Solkadi or kokum sherbet. Kokum drinks, made from fruit, are consumed during the summer seasons. Kokum is used in parts of Maharashtra to make Bhirindi Saar, a soup using kokum juice and also kokum kadi by mixing kokum juice and coconut milk, both used as after-meal drinks to relieve any gastric problems.
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Garcinia – Towards Weight Loss
Garcinia Indica(Kokum), is rich in antioxidants. It has the properties of a natural appetite suppressant and this may help you through your weight loss journey. Garcinia contains HCA that acts as a hypocholesterolemic agent. It suppresses the activity of the enzymes responsible for the conversion of calories into fat. It induces weight loss by hindering the process of lipogenesis (fatty acid synthesis).Research and study done on Garcinia Indica prove that Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), being an inhibitor of the synthesis of fat and cholesterol, has shown to significantly reduce body weight and lower lipid accumulation. The extract containing HCA has proved to reduce fat synthesis in the body from 40 to 70% which is enough evidence that Garcinia does help in weight loss. Garcinia fruit lowers blood lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides by triggering fatty acid oxidation in the liver by raising body temperature to speed up the body’s metabolism which increases the burning of fats. It burns the fat slowly and gently without stimulating the central nervous system.
It has anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation in the body can trigger obesity in many people. The presence of an active compound called garcinol makes kokum anti-inflammatory and thus helps in weight loss. In short, the essential nutrient present in Garcinia reduces the appetite and so helps you get rid of that extra kilos.
Other health benefits of Garcinia Indica (Kokum)
Let’s take a closer look at the other benefits of this amazing fruit:- Immunity Booster:- Kokum enhances your immune function by acting as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
- Anti Cancer Agent:- Kokum possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The presence of Garcinol, a constituent that has anti-carcinogenic properties helps in suppressing the production of reactive oxygen species responsible for cancer.
- Digestive Aid:- The antioxidant properties present in Kokum is widely used to combat a myriad range of digestive problems like constipation, acidity etc. Also, read 6 Incredible Herbs to Improve Your Digestive Health.
- It heals Wounds:- Kokum has healing and soothing properties. So, it is used as direct application or as an infusion in skin ailments such as chafing, burns and rashes caused by allergies. An application of Kokum oil and paste on open wounds can fasten the healing process.
- It is a Body Coolant:- Kokum juice is refreshing in nature. Consuming kokum juice prevents heat strokes and sun exposure-related symptoms in the body. It can also heal stomach ulcers. Hence, it is best to consume this drink during the summer season.
- Good for the heart:- The anti-inflammatory and cardiotonic properties of kokum help to prevent the onset of heart complaints. Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) lowers the cholesterol level and reduces the possibilities of heart diseases. Also read Healthy Heart, Healthy You- Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Heart.
- Relieves Acidity:- Being a natural antacid, it helps to protect the diverse gut ecosystem of Good Bacteria while keeping acidity at bay! During hyperacidity or acidity, one may feel relaxed by taking a cold blend of Garcinia Indica, a pinch of salt and little sugar.
- Brain booster:-Kokum is found to exert positive effects on the brain by helping in the neuronal growth process. It also prevents damage to the brain by nullifying the action of the free radicals. Also, read Ayurvedic Herbs for Better Cognitive Health.
Aryan Herbals Unique formulation:
Are you struggling with weight issues? You have gone through numerous fad diets and diet plans but with barely any result. Nothing has worked right in your weight loss journey. Aryan Herbals with its unique formulation is here to help you.Aryan SuperSlim Garcinia + (Kokum) Juice 1000ml:
Not Just Garcinia alone, follow a regime:
Just consuming Garcinia cannot always yield the result you desire. Ayurveda believes in the balance of everything so along with medicine or food, there are other factors as well that you must follow on a regular basis for a holistic approach towards your lifestyle like:-
Regular Exercise: Exercise is helpful for weight loss and maintaining weight loss. Exercise can increase metabolism, or how many calories you burn in a day.
Yoga: Yoga, when combined with healthy eating, has proven beneficial as it helps to lose weight along with keeping your mind and body healthy. Practising yoga may help you develop muscle tone and improve your metabolism.
Balanced Diet: A balanced diet includes foods to fulfil all of a person’s nutritional needs and encourages to include whole foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. A balanced diet also means mindful eating.
Also, read Herbs for a Slimmer you- Tips on Weight Loss.
As we all may agree that Kokum has a role to play in weight loss, we must remember that there is no rocket science or miracle about it. A carefully planned diet and exercise are key to weight loss or obesity management. Fat burners in these kinds of superfood can be beneficial for weight management but under the guidance and supervision of your physician. Simply because everyone has a different body mechanism and related health issues. It is advisable to take any of these in natural form as food. However, on a lighter note, a glass of Kokum juice is a cooling digestive beverage and certainly needs no prescription. So go ahead Summer is here, grab your Kokum juice, cool your digestive system, definitely, there is something about this purple fruit that you need to give a try.Remember “Every new day is another chance to change your life.” Let it be today.
This article was originally published on Aryan Herbals Blog.
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