Breathe Easy-Simple herbs for your Lungs

2020 has done enough harm. The year that passed by was an eye-opener for many as the world became vulnerable to the most stubborn pandemic triggered by the novel coronavirus. It did teach us the importance of having a healthy immune system and a healthy lung.

Why are our Lungs important?

Lungs are an important organ of our body just like the heart. Our lungs fuel us with oxygen as we breathe in air, then extract the oxygen and pass it into the bloodstream, sending it to the other tissues and organs that require it to function. In fact, the lungs are a part of a complex system, expanding and relaxing thousands of times a day to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. But what we need to know is that our lungs, just like our heart, joints, and other parts of your body, age with time. They tend to become less flexible and lose their strength, which can make it more difficult to breathe.

The factors that lead to lung ailments:

An unhealthy or weak lung can be the cause of many ailments and diseases. It can be caused due to age, smoking, pollution, improper diet, season change, lifestyle, etc. When we breathe in dirty air, we bring air pollutants deep into our lungs, so it’s no surprise that air pollution causes serious damage to the respiratory tract. Therefore it is important to take proper care of the lungs. Tiny toxic particles which can penetrate deep into the lungs and cardiovascular system are now responsible for more than 6 million deaths per year. Inhaling pollutants causes immediate symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing and weepy eyes to people with weak respiratory systems. Let’s know about a few other ailments as well:

  • Cough: The onset of the cold and flu season, we normally get infected with wet cough because our lungs are filled with mucus. Wet cough often transitions into a dry cough that produces no mucus.
  • Breathlessness: Lung conditions cause breathlessness for many reasons. Sometimes it causes the airways to become inflamed and narrowed, or fill the airways with phlegm, so it’s harder for air to move in and out of the lungs. Others make the lungs stiff and less elastic so it’s harder for them to expand and fill with air. It can also lead to a condition known as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) where you can’t exhale the way you usually would, which causes trouble breathing.
  • Bronchitis: Bronchitis is when the tubes that carry air to your lungs, called the bronchial tubes, get inflamed and swollen. You end up with a nagging cough and mucus. There are two types of Bronchitis - Acute Bronchitis and Chronic Bronchitis.
  • Asthma: Your airways are constantly inflamed and may spasm, causing wheezing and shortness of breath. Allergies, infections, or pollution can trigger asthma symptoms.
  • Covid 19: The lung was the most affected organ in the Covid-19 pandemic. Tiny blood clots formed in blood vessels attack the lungs, cause a fall in the oxygen levels and finally lead to the collapse of the lungs which turned fatal for many. As the world battles against the lethal coronavirus infection, strengthening the lungs is of utmost importance.

Also read - What Ayurveda Has to Offer in the Fight Against COVID-19.

Breathing Life into your lungs:

Most people want to get healthier. We all think of being healthy and fit but do we work towards keeping ourselves fit. Rarely, though, do they think about protecting and maintaining the health of their lungs. But by adopting certain healthy habits, you can better maintain the health of your lungs. There is always ‘a prevention before a cure’, so how can we prevent or rather improve our lung health.

  • Improve Lungs Health With Exercise

Exercises can help a person use their lungs to their fullest capacity. Breathing exercises can make the lungs function more efficiently. Some simple breathing exercise can be

  • Deep breathing:

According to the British Lung foundation, deep breathing exercise benefits the lungs to a great extent as it helps in clearing the mucus and allows for air to circulate in the lungs.
To perform this exercise: Breath deeply 5–10 times, then cough strongly a couple of times, and repeat.

  • Pursed Lip Breathing:

Pursed lip breathing can help keep the airways open for longer, and by doing so it allows the flow of air into and out of the lungs.
To perform this exercise: Sit up straight in a comfortable posture that can help promote lung movement.

  1. Breathe in deeply through the nose in a slow, controlled fashion.
  2. Purse the lips — they should be almost touching, as when making a “kissing” face.
  3. Breathe out through pursed lips — ideally, the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation was.

  • Belly breathing:

Belly breathing specifically focuses on strengthening the diaphragm muscle, which allows a person to take a deep breath. 

To do this exercise: Take a yoga mat and find a comfortable and suitable spot to perform this exercise. 

  1. Lie down on the mat and rest a hand or a lightweight object(soft toy, book) on the stomach.
  2. Breathe in slowly through the nose, and note how far the stomach rises. Breathe out through the mouth.
  3. Breathe in through the nose, this time trying to get the stomach to rise higher than it did with the previous breath.
  4. Exhale, and try to make each exhalation two or three times as long as each inhalation.
  5. Periodically, roll the shoulders forward and backwards and move the head from side to side to ensure that the exercise is not contributing to tension in the upper body. 

Some helpful video links for lung exercise:-,

  • Yoga, meditation and pranayama: 

In yoga, meditation and breathing are important. According to yoga, breath or ‘prana’ is the life force or the primary energy of life. The daily practice of yoga can help in strengthening the muscles of the chest, increase lung capacity and boost oxygen intake. Yoga can help in keeping your lungs healthy and strong thereby improving your breathing and oxygen intake. Yoga Asanas like Trikonasana(Triangle Pose), Matsyasana(Fish Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana(Sitting Half Spinal Twist), Bhujangasana (cobra pose, are really beneficial for opening the lung passage and allowing air and relieving tensions.

Meditation and mindfulness can really have positive benefits on your health. Practising daily meditation works wonders on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems. It can also improve sleep patterns, reduce depression and anxiety, promote deeper breathing and increase energy levels.

Pranayama and other yogic postures can help in activating the air-cells of the lungs and strengthen the lungs. Practising Nadishodhan pranayam, Anulom, Vilom pranayam can release accumulated stress and help the body to relax. It's proved to be therapeutic for most respiratory problems and to improve lung function in asthma patients.

Also read - Herbs at Your Rescue to Strengthen Your Immune System


Herbs to Boost Lungs Health:

Herbs have been used in home remedies for centuries. There are a variety of ways that herbs can be used to support lung health. They can be added in your food, infused in tea, inhaled through steam or had as a supplement or pill. So whether you have a lung-related health issue or are just looking to improve or maintain the health of your lungs, consider using one of the herbs listed below.

  • Pippali

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals
Pippali is an effective remedy for cold and cough. It helps to release the mucus from the passage and makes breathing easy.

  • Licorice

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

The sweet herb Licorice a natural sweetener has been used for thousands of years to support respiratory health and digestion. The active constituent glycyrrhizin present in the root can treat a number of health conditions, including bronchitis, constipation, heartburn, etc

  • Vasaka

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

The Vasaka leaves works as a stimulator to treat respiratory issues because of its anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and expectorant properties. It helps eliminate excess phlegm from the throat, clear the lungs and improves bronchodilation and treats bronchitis, tuberculosis and other lung disorders.

  • Triphala

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

Triphala assists natural internal cleansing and improves bowel movement and helps in digestion. It helps to strengthen the respiratory tract and the lungs.

  • Sitopaladi

Sitopaladi is used for treating respiratory disorders, cold and cough, and pneumonia. It helps loosen and expel phlegm.

  • Talisadi

Talisadi Churna is a classical medicine for cough, lung congestion and throat disorders.

  • Tulsi

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

Tulsi needs no introduction. This wonder herb supports respiratory health, so it’s especially helpful for fighting off colds, flu, and allergies. Because it helps clear out the lungs.

Also read - Powerful Health Benefits Of Tulsi – The Queen of all Herbs

  • Cardamom

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

Cardamom the intense spice used in Indian cooking with its cool mint flavour is a great expectorant and is very helpful in treating asthma, bronchitis, throat disorders and cough.

  • Eucalyptus

Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

With its distinctive and refreshing pine-like scent, Eucalyptus has healing properties for respiratory issues. The oil extracts are often used in chest rubs or even makes it a good choice to create infusions that ease congestion, colds and fevers when inhaled. Most modern cough and congestion treatments now contain eucalyptus.

Herbal Support from Aryan Herbals

Using herbs to promote healthy lungs couldn’t be simpler! Aryan herbals have a few products which can be beneficial for the lungs.

Triphala the herbal formulation with its blend of dried fruits of Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki is believed to help promote overall well being.

Widely known to be rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Phyto-nutrients and essential oils, it’s an excellent antioxidant, believed to help in helping respiratory disorders.

Licorice may help with bronchial problems such as hoarseness, mucous congestion and coughs. It is ideal for adding in tea or mixing with other herbs to improve the flavour.

The Sitopaladi Churna or herbal mix is believed to restore lung capacity, improve pulmonary performance and bolster immunity.

Vasaka relieves chest conditions, opens airways, helps phlegm discharge and soothes bronchial inflammation.

Bottom line:

The year 2020 was a challenge and the beginning of 2021 again is still not a very bright picture. Though the vaccines have rolled in, shots being administered, let's not forget the virus still is present. With both a heightened immune season and seasonal challenges, it’s more important than ever to support your respiratory health.

‘If you want to run the race of life without getting knocked then you gotta keep your lungs healthy’.

Take a deep breath and enjoy life!

This article is originally published at Aryan Herbals Blog.
