Ayurvedic Herbs that are Extremely Good for your Skin

“The best foundation you can ever wear is glowing healthy skin.”

All of us like to have healthy glowing skin. Skin that is healthy is able to resist signs of ageing, heals faster and can ward off potential disease. We have heard this old saying which says ‘You are what you eat’. This not only applies to our overall health and nutrition but also on how our skin looks and feels as well. As the largest organ in the body, our skin can benefit from the same nutrition we get from foods that have a positive effect on our heart and other major organs. 

Importance on Skincare

Our skin cells are changing all the time. In fact, the skin sheds its cells every day, every minute. We think of skincare only on weekends or when we find time but honestly taking care of our skin is not something we should indulge ‘now and then’, but on a daily basis. Having a simple regular skin routine should be something we do – It’s a practice which will help to keep our skin radiant, flawless, healthy and glowing.

Believe in the mantra ‘Look good to feel good’. Here are a few tips on how we can achieve it:
Cleansing your skin: You can use a cleanser or simply use water to clean your skin. People with sensitive skin, in particular, should ensure you use products which are good for your skin type. Cleansing opens the pores.
Toning your skin: This can be optional but suggested for people with not overly dry or sensitive skin it could help tremendously. A toner will remove all leftover residue after cleansing. Try to see if this works for you.
Finally moisturizing your skin: Your skin loses moisture throughout the day. For the skin to be able to ‘repair’ itself and at the same time look healthy, moisture is needed. Try different products based on your skin type to see what works best for you.

(A word of caution again use products that are made for your skin type, and never use anything too aggressive. If necessary check with your dermatologist)
Common Causes of Skin Problems

As mentioned earlier, since we all have different skin types the causes of skin problems depend much on our skin type. As the skin is extended to the depth, so are its diseases which are deep seated and expand to tissues, fat, muscles and even blood. Improper diet and wrong lifestyle, hormonal imbalance and stress can be cited as some of the reasons. Common skin problems which we normally face are moles, acne, sores, cold sores, rosacea, eczema, hives, sunburns, herpes etc. They can be caused by various underlying factors like
  • Allergies, irritants, use of products not suiting the skin type
  • Bacteria, fungus, microorganisms, or parasites trapped in hair follicles or skin pores
  • Pigmentation, genetic disorders or low immune system
  • Skin disorders like skin cancer and other serious skin ailments which require immediate attention

The Ayurvedic Approach to Skincare

Ayurveda is all about nourishing your mind, body, and consciousness and becoming in tune with yourself and your body’s needs in maintaining balance. To learn how to balance the body, mind and consciousness requires an understanding of how vata, pitta and kapha work together. Ayurveda is the best way to deal with it as it cures the root cause of any problem. Ayurveda classifies people on the basis of doshas and attempts to correct/balance these doshas for holistic wellbeing. Here’s how to implement Ayurvedic skin-care tips for healthier, glowing skin.
  • Ayurveda: Since Ayurveda is an overall wellness practice, it might be the key to great skin, according to experts. Since Ayurveda teaches that our body has a built-in detox, experts recommend going to sleep by 10 p.m. and rising with the sun around 6 a.m. Well, according to Ayurvedic practitioners, matching our circadian rhythms with nature gives the body time to repair on a cellular level.
  • Doshas: Ayurveda is rooted in the idea that every person has a dosha, a term that refers to the biological energies that govern an individual’s constitution, both physically and mentally. There are three main doshas, based on a combination of the elements: Vata (wind and air), Kapha (earth and water), and Pitta (fire and water). Ayurveda, doshas determine your optimal diet, mentality, lifestyle-and yes, skin-care routine.
  • Diet: Perhaps the simplest way to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and ensure the skin is getting optimal nutrition from the foods we eat is to refer to the food pyramid. These include a balance of whole grains, cereals, a variety of fruits and vegetables, consuming calcium rich food, dairy products and last but not the least Opting for a variety of low-fat or lean meats, poultry and fish.
  • Healthy lifestyle with yoga: Eating healthy food, living a healthy lifestyle is incomplete without yoga and meditation which is an integral part of any Ayurvedic treatment.
  • Herbs: The use of herbs in Ayurveda again goes hand in hand. The therapeutic ancient therapies and curative treatment with herbs have always been beneficial for skin care.

Herbs that are Good for Skin

Let’s look at some herbs which have been used from ancient times for skincare:


The oil from this tropical plant has many benefits for the skin. It contains limonoids, vitamin E, triglycerides, antioxidants, calcium etc which are helpful in treating various skin conditions like treating dry skin and wrinkles, stimulating collagen production, reducing scars, healing wounds, treating acne and minimize warts and moles. 

Tulsi (Basil)

Tulsi is tried and tested because its medicinal values are beneficial in many ways. Tulsi is used in treating ringworm and skin disorders. It also prevents premature ageing and keeps the skin healthy. Having natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is a natural remedy very useful for multiple skin problems and conditions.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a wholesome answer to many skin conditions. Being loaded with minerals, vitamin and anti-inflammatory compounds it’s a natural exfoliant, can help combat acne, can help fade off acne scars and dark spots, very soothing for sunburns, a wonderful moisturizer for dry skin, has anti-ageing properties.


Turmeric traditional and age-old therapy for skincare. Known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial components and antioxidant properties. Curcumin, one of the major active compounds in turmeric, is the source of many of turmeric’s useful applications for the skin like radiance and glow, acne, psoriasis. Turmeric can also help with stretch marks, exfoliation and anti-ageing.


Lavender is not just a pretty plant. The oil which is mostly extracted and used has antibacterial properties and so is used for treating stubborn acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is also used as a therapeutic scented oil for soothing the skin. It works well on skin conditions like acne, soothes eczema, dry skin conditions, detoxifies the skin, heals injured skin, helps prevent wrinkles.


Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

Ashwagandha has been an ancient remedy to reduce the appearance of ageing skin, clear clogged pores, and even out skin tone. In recent times as stress and its impact on the skin have been of great interest to researchers lately as Ashwagandha contains alkaloids and lactones which give it its anti-stress properties and helps manage the effects of internal and external stressors.


Image Credit: Aryan Herbals

Though this powder is gaining more popularity now in recent times, it is something which has been a part of ancient skin treatments. It contains Vitamin A, antioxidant properties which are essential for healthy, radiant skin and vitamin E which protects cells from oxidative stress helping fight the signs of ageing.


Chamomile boasts of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help soothe the skin, reducing redness and blemishes. It can even relieve skin irritations like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.


Calendula is another flower with multiple benefits because of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal and wound healing properties and mostly used as oil or combined with other herbs.

Keeping in mind the health benefits of Herbs for beautiful and healthy skin, Aryan Herbals have a wide range of herbal ayurvedic products just for you.

Aryan Aloe Face Mask/Pack

Aloe vera face mask helps achieve healthy and glowing skin, helps to Detox and moisturise the skin and helps it soothe any allergies or irritations.

Aryan Aloe Face Scrub

Aloe Face scrub helps remove dead skin cells and offers a healthy glow to the face. It hydrates and gently exfoliates with herbal emollients and naturally extracted fruit acids.

Aryan Aloe Skin Gel

Aryan Aloe skin gel is a non-sticky unique combination of Aloe Vera with medicinal herb extracts, helpful against dry & chapped skin conditions, reducing roughness, cracking & irritation, maintains skin’s moisture levels and restore its elasticity & resiliency

Aryan Aloe Vera (Kwar Gandal) Juice

Aryan Aloe vera juice is believed to help with nourishing the skin, hair and nails and have moisturizing properties to help maintain healthy skin. 

Aryan Neem (Indian Lilac) Juice /Aryan Neem (Indian Lilac) Powder

Aryan neem is known to show great potential for its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial properties and promotes a healthy immune system.

Aryan Turmeric (Desi Haldi) Juice

Aryan Haldi is believed to have a positive effect in flushing out toxins, and having natural anti-oxidant properties, is a wholesome well-being product.

Aryan Tulsi (Holy Basil) Juice/Aryan Tulsi (Holy Basil) Powder

Tulsi is known for its anti-inflammatory properties used for skincare. Basil widely known to be rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Phyto-nutrients and essential oils, it’s an excellent antioxidant, believed to help protect against free radicals.

Aryan Moringa (Drum Stick) Powder

Moringa is high in nutrients and rich with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Rich Source of Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, K, E and C. Good source of nourishment for skin and hair.

Aryan Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) Powder

Ashwagandha, the magical herb, is considered to be nature’s gift to mankind has been used for treating people from stress and anxiety from ancient times, because of the presence of antioxidants, iron and amino acids. It is your answer for calming down.

So let’s all fall in love in taking care of ourselves, our skin and just pamper it, remember 

‘Be good to your skin, You’ll wear it every day for the rest of your life’.

This article is originally published at Aryan Herbals blog.
Banner Image Source: Aryan Herbals blog
Image Source: Pixabay
