An Ayurvedic Approach to Stress Management

Life has become stressful and in these days of the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, it has increased a million folds. People are stressed about survival, career, job security, education, business, health. Stress is a modern era’s complex medical condition. In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a lifestyle disorder. It is very difficult to define stress as it is different for each individual. However, stress can become a chronic condition if a person does not take steps to manage it.

What is Stress?

Stress is a natural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands and events. It’s a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. The term Stress was coined by Hans Selye in 1936. He is the founder of the Stress theory. Seyle came up with the observation that constant and high stress give rise to diseases and disorders like headaches, pains, sleep disturbance, insomnia, indigestion, anxiety, anger, high blood pressure etc.

Stress can be of different types:

Understanding and management of stress can be complicated and confusing as stress comes up with its own characteristics, symptoms, duration etc. Let’s look at it:

Acute Stress:

The most common form of stress. It comes from demands and pressures of recent past and anticipated demands and pressure of the near future. It can crop up in anyone’s life and is highly treatable and manageable. It’s short term stress and its common symptoms are:
Emotional distress
Muscular pains and aches
Stomach and bowel related issues like heartburn, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome.
Elevation in blood pressure, heart palpitations, dizziness etc

Episodic Stress:

Stress that arises from ceaseless worry and people who are perpetually in the clutches of acute stress suffer from Episodic stress. They seem short-tempered, irritable, anxious and tense always. Symptoms can be like persistent tensions and headaches, migraines, hypertension, chest pain etc. May take some time to recover with treatment and a good recovery therapy or program.

Chronic Stress:

While acute stress can be thrilling and exciting, chronic stress is not. This is the grinding stress that wears people away day after day, year after year. It destroys the body, mind and lives and can wreak havoc through long term attrition. Some examples can be poverty, unhappy marriages, dysfunctional families, jobless or career issues. Aggravate chronic stress kills through suicide, violence, heart attack, stroke and sometimes even cancer.

The source of chronic stress can be:

Survival stress
Internal stress
Environmental stress
Fatigue and overwork
Ayurveda on Stress Management

Stress according to Ayurveda: 

Ayurveda as we all know is the ‘Science of life’ and has been a part of ancient Indian culture for over 5000 years now. That’s why it is called the ‘Mother of all Healing.’ Ayurveda identifies three basic types of energy(doshas) or functional principles that are present in everyone and everything. Ayurveda addresses all aspects of life — the body, mind and spirit.

Stress according to Ayurveda is the imbalance in the three doshas which creates three vital energies — Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. To a very great extent, our daily habits determine how harmoniously these doshas function. Maintaining them in good balance, especially in the face of everyday stresses, is like constantly fine-tuning a radio in bad weather to be able to get a clear signal. The principles of Ayurveda have been in practice for centuries in order to help heal the mind, body and spirit. As our lives have become increasingly busy and stressful, more recently the ancient practices of Ayurveda have been incorporated in order to relieve stress.
Ayurveda’s approach for stress-relief:

In Ayurveda, the approach for stress management is mainly to improve the relaxation of the body and mind and this is possible when we can relieve and free the stress from the Nervous System. It follows various routines and therapies to achieve the results.

Some of the simple and doable therapies for relieving stress from the brain and nerves are:


Regular exercise is one of the most basic needs to tackle any stress-related issues. Physical activity improves your body’s ability to use oxygen and also improves blood flow. Both of these changes have a direct effect on your brain. Improvements to your overall health may help indirectly moderate your stress levels.

Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama

Yoga in Ayurveda is inseparable. It is important and an integral part of any treatment. Meditation is a very important treatment, it actually a lifestyle, not so much a treatment, There’s nothing better than this for stress relief. You can also practise and turn to pranayama for stress relief. Simple breathing pranayama exercises will help you tame your mind by focusing on your breath and calming your senses. By calming the nervous system through mindful activities and investing time to practice yoga, meditation and pranayama is the best way to relieve stress. 

Eat Healthy Food

Eat healthy and balanced food is important. When stressed try to include those foods that can help you get relieved from stress like a calming, warm cup of tea or milk, a bite into dark chocolate can be stress busters. Best is planning, shopping for, and preparing healthy meals that can help reduce stress by automating your food choices.

Follow Daily Routines

Having a daily schedule or routine can work wonders to release stress. Trying to remember things can be really stressful and can fill our brains up with everything on our ‘to do’ list; which can be incredibly overwhelming. When we have a routine, a lot of the things we do day-to-day slot in, and we don’t have to think about them anymore. 

Supportive Herbs for Stress Relief

Herbs are known for being the natural stress relief remedies since ancient times. For centuries, people in many cultures around the world have used a variety of herbs to overcome stress. Science is beginning to prove the remarkable powers of some of these plants. Let’s take a sneak peek into some supportive herbs for stress relief

Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)

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Ashwagandha has always stood the test of time and has been used in the practice of ancient Ayurvedic treatment. Research on Ashwagandha has confirmed what traditional healers have known: that it has benefits for stress, anxiety, memory, and cognition. With its complex molecules and a number of interesting biologically active molecules, it has been identified as a very useful and beneficial herb. Ashwagandha is traditionally consumed as a powder. It’s generally taken with dairy—either milk or ghee and some kind of sweetener, whether that’s sugar or honey. You would normally take this milky concoction at night before you go to sleep.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri / Water Hyssop)

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Brahmi has known for its properties to improve memory, reduce anxiety and tackle other health issues have been used by Ayurvedic medical practitioners for a long time. Some studies also prove and believe that Brahmi may boost brain function, and may also play a role in alleviating anxiety and stress.

Tulsi (Basil)

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Wonder herb Tulsi (Basil) has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries in Ayurveda to support immunity, stress response, anti-ageing, and the body’s natural detoxification process. Tulsi works to help support healthy levels of the stress hormone regulate and controls the influence of many of the physical and emotional changes that occur in the body in response to stress.


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Bhringaraj, popularly known as ‘false daisy’ in English is a traditional wonder herb and is extensively used in Ayurveda when it comes to stress management or treating a host of health issues like hair problems, skin and tooth infections, etc. Mostly used as an oil, it is also available in powder, churna or juice form. Massaging your hair with Bhringaraj oil provides a calming effect on the head, increases memory, improves blood circulation on the scalp, in treating problems related to mood disorders, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness and insomnia which are directly related to stress and tension.

Jatamasi (Spikenard)

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Jatamansi also is known as spikenard, is a potent nerve-calming herb, is Ayurveda’s gift to all those who cannot stop being anxious.

Vacha (Calamus)

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According to research on Vacha, it has been proved that Vacha extract not only prevents stress-induced suppression of immunity and structural involution of lymphoid organs but also boosts immunity. It is a brain tonic which promotes higher mental functions because of its ability in inducing lucidity.

Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)

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According to Ayurveda, Shankhpushpi helps to calm down the brain and relieve stress as well as anxiety. It is believed to improve one’s memory by acting as a brain tonic because of the presence of Medhya which is known to improve intelligence. You can take Shankhpushpi powder along with warm milk or water to help boost memory and concentration. Shankhpushpi tablets and capsules can also be used to improve brain functions.

Some of the Herbal formulations for stress management which Aryan Herbals have to offer are as follows:

Aryan Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) Powder:

Ashwagandha, the magical herb, is considered to be nature’s gift to mankind. It is believed that this herb has been used for treating people from stress and anxiety from ancient times, because of the presence of antioxidants, iron and amino acids. It is your answer for calming down.

Aryan Brahmi (Water Hyssop) Powder:

Another magical herb is the Brahmi. With an abundance of antioxidants, iron and amino acids, it’s no surprise that Brahmi is one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic healing.

Aryan Tulsi (Holy Basil) Powder / Aryan Tulsi (Holy Basil) Juice:

Tulsi (Holy Basil) is called the “Queen of Herbs” and considered to be a powerful tonic to help maintain vitality and promote health. It is known to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help to improve cognitive function. It is available in powder and juice form.

Aryan Panch Tulsi(Holy Basil) Drops:

Aryan Herbals Tulsi (Basil) Drops are made of pure extracts from Panch Tulsi (5 types of Herbal Tulsi), based on the Ancient Indian Ayurvedic system. It can be added to milk, tea, herbal tea etc.

Aryan Sleepwell Plus (+) Juice:

Sleepwell Plus (+) is a unique combination of 11 wonderful herbs such as Ashwagandha which has long been prized for its ability to help the body deal with stress. Jatamansi, one of the herbs is famous in Ayurveda as a herb to combat the effects of day-to-day stress. It has the property of enhancing the body’s innate ability to sleep well. It is considered a divine plant in Ayurveda.

A word of thought is just in case you’re considering taking any herbal supplement as a treatment for anxiety or stress it is important to talk to your physician first, especially if you are having pre-existing conditions or other medications. The interaction of some herbal supplements and certain medications can cause serious side effects.

Maureen Killoran rightly quotes ‘Stress is not what happens to us. It’s our response to what happens and response is something we can choose.

This article is originally published at Aryan Herbals blog.

Image Source: Pixabay
